Thursday, April 20, 2006


My answers:

. Name three books that have truly shaken your world view.

This is from a much longer list, but…
1. Still Life in Harlem – Eddy L. Harris
2. Ceremony – Leslie Marmon Silko
3. Relating – Liz Greene

. Name three movies that make you wish you’d written the script.

1. Crash
2. The Year of Living Dangerously
3. The Dresser

Name three things you like about yourself.

1. I don’t respect authority unless “authority” is proven to my satisfaction.
2. I am self-taught in almost every skill I value – and (with the exception of things like surgery) feel I can learn anything I need to learn – with a few good books and ingenuity.
3. I’m not afraid of much anymore.

Name three careers you think you might have been good at.

1. Profiler
2. Geologist
3. Writer

Name three things you say to yourself all the time.

1. “Get over yourself.”
2. “It won’t matter when I’m dead.”
3. “I don’t have to answer that.” (The phone.)

Name three things you know now that you didn’t know three years ago.

1. I finally feel like I know (instead of think) that “If you have a choice between guilt and resentment, choose guilt.” My friend Weedy picked that up somewhere and it’s standing up well. Resentment, as Weedy points out, is other-directed, whereas guilt is yours, and you can own it and deal with it as you see fit.
2. That niceness is mistaken for kindness all the time. That kindness has a shadow and is rarely selfless. And (thanks KD) “No good deed goes unpunished."
3. That I know what’s right for me. That no one else gets to define it. And I don’t get to define what’s right for anyone else. (An honesty PS - I actually THINK I know what's right for everyone else. It's disgusting. But true. I only pretend fairness, in this case.)