Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Voila! Finished


Kate said...

Wow. Stunning. I love big, chunky, statement jewellery, but never quite know how to wear it. Unfortunately poor studentdom and a general lack of imagination and confidence have me limited to jeans and the occasional sundress in warmer weather!

I could do with a year out of my life just to experiment with clothes and focus on photography, writing, running, ballet and learning a new language!

herhimnbryn said...

lj, this is stunning.

Zhoen said...


LJ said...

Kate - I wear this kind of stuff with a black top and jeans. Or a black top and black pants. Or a black dress. You get the idea. I have one entire closet full of nothing but black clothes. Why? Because I have to promote my work and if I wear anything else, it feels cluttery. Cuffs are easier to pull off than a necklace. Necklaces always feel "dressy" to me - and cuffs can be worn with anything short of a track suit. My personal opinion, anyway. But then I use the good lace tablecloth when I'm eating weiners and beans. Why not? I'll be dead some day, so I figure I might as well enjoy stuff. As to the year off to do all that - oh yes! I'm familiar with the longing for that year!
Herhimnbryn - thanks love. And for coming out of your little hidey hole for a moment. I'm very pleased you like it.
Zhoen - it's crow bait. Got any crow in you?
PS to all - the maker of the dichroic cab likes it and that pleases me beyond words. It felt like a collaboration.

herhimnbryn said...

lj, am curious. How do incorporate a fastening for such a piece?

Mr. X said...


LJ said...

H...on the left of the picture, just out of sight, is a tab with a 15cm snap. The other half of the snap is underneath the right end, so when it's done up, you don't see anything.

Thanks Mr. X!

Dale said...


QUASAR9 said...

Wow! Magical

Ariel said...

Wow! That is stunning... How long did it take to make from start to finish?

Teri said...

You are a master. xo

LJ said...

Thank you all. Ariel...23 hours. Some of them take 40. But then, it's a kind of story, making them - you never know how it will turn out, so you keep going and it doesn't seem very long. Biggest piece to date was the "saturn return gauntlet"...about 100 hours.

Ariel said...

I take it that is 23 hours excluding design time? Have you got a picture of this "saturn return gauntlet"? I am now intrigued. Also, what are you calling this piece?

LJ said...

Ariel. Not including design time - or picking out a bad decision. You can see the gauntlet on my beadwork page. There's a link to the specific piece on the right.
or use the link on this page at the right "My BEADWORK page"
Cheers doll!

Zhoen said...

I've got a huge dose of raven cravings. Oooo... shiny.

phlegmfatale said...

exquisite! YOu are such a lovely artist!

mm said...

That is so beautiful.

Mr Farty said...

All the best words are gone. Oh, hang on, I bought a word from Miss Tickle for just such an occasion.


LJ said...

Many thanks Mssr. Farty. So "sparkling" that it took 50 tries to get a photo!

Peter said...

Nice Blog, I enjoy reading about original true characters - you Irish? (yeah, I do know your're in Canada...) Interesting beadwork... You seen some of the Ndbele work?
Take care

LJ said...

Thanks Peter. I find real people as interesting as fictional. I've seen Ndbele work and most forms of beadwork, being something of an addict. As to Irish - one grandfather. Thanks for the visit.