Saturday, November 17, 2007


I've been staring at the screen for a long time. Words refuse to type themselves and thoughts refuse to shape.

Last night I dreamed I passed through spider's webs and I was bound. Stung until it was a matter of death or immunity.

I woke to purrs and little paws walking over me. Sticky with threads, I pulled myself to consciousness like someone climbing a sheer rock face with no hand or toe holds.


Dale said...

Hugs. This is very beautiful, but terribly unhappy.

The writing, that is. The photo is just beautiful & pensive.

LJ said...

Dale - There was unhappiness in the dream, but also a lesson. I woke with the lesson, if not the details of the dream. And felt both sad & pensive.
For me, this kind of dream, is a useful message. Thanks for the hug.

Teri said...

sad and beautifully real.