Saturday, May 27, 2006


I wait each Spring to see if the Grandmother tree survived another year after being blown down in the hurricane. And it makes me unreasonably happy to post this picture.

The other is a shot of the Mac Run. No longer grey-branched and naked.

One thing about our late spring is that the enjoyment is almost orgasmic because we wait for the green, the blossoms, for so long.

This was my R&R today. Camera case slung over my shoulder as I travel from studio, to housework, to grocery and hardware store and back.


Mary said...

Thank you for posting this. I'm glad for the update on the Grandmother tree. Enjoy spring! Ours is just beginning the shift into summer.

LJ said...

4:54 pm and it feels like summer today here too. Warmer than I'm used to...
I'm loving all of it.

phlegmfatale said...

what a BEAUTIFUL place that is! Do you live there? It looks so serene!

LJ said...

PH - It's a tiny stretch between a slumping corner store, second-hand clothing place, apartments and houses, Lion's club bingo, gas stations and small box structures that tried to house businesses with plywood nailed over the windows and graffiti on the walls. Poor and working class neighborhood - a hundred babies pushing baby carriages, vandalized bus shelters, ambulances and fire trucks and police cars screaming through on a regular basis. It was country for years. And the suburbs encroached, then the housing projects and so now it is a bizarre mix of all those things. But the Mac Run is a tiny "protected" conservation area - only a block or two in length - and that's what the photos are of..